{to sign up for CSA membership: click here!}
What is a CSA?
CSAs are Community Supported Agriculture programs in which the farmer/s and CSA members share in the rewards and risks of growing local produce. Typically, CSA members pay in advance to help with the farmer’s start up fees and in return enjoy weekly deliveries of fresh produce throughout the growing season. Project Harmony has been a part of the Just Food CSA network (www.justfood.org) since 2008.
Where do the Project Harmony CSA shares come from?
Our farmer, Claudio Gonzalez, is an immigrant farmer in Orange County, NY. He is part of the Just Food Immigrant Farmer Program and sells his produce at various farmers’ markets throughout the city.
How long does the CSA run?
Our summer CSA runs for 22 weeks from June 6th to October 31st.
How do I pick up my share?
Pickup occurs every Thursday from 10am-7:30pm in the Joseph Daniel Wilson Memorial Garden on 122nd Street between Frederick Douglass Blvd and AC Powell Blvd.
What if it rains?
During severely inclement weather pickups occur across the street from the garden at:
216 W 122nd Street (garden level). Emails will be sent out & signs will be put on the garden gateto let members know.
What are the responsibilities of a CSA member?
Each member is required to volunteer 2-4 hours throughout the duration of the Summer CSA.
These hours happen during regular distribution time, when we need volunteers to help with sign-in/pick-up, as well as cleaning up and putting away any extra vegetables that are left over.
What does my CSA share include each week?
CSA regular size shares shares include 6-7 types of produce. Large shares include 9 types of produce. Spring/early summer shares includes lots of leafy greens, young carrots, radishes, leeks and the like. Later in the season, our shares typically include tomatoes, a variety of summer squashes, tomatillos, onions, potatoes, peppers, cabbage, etc. While our farmer does not offer plentiful fruit, we do receive peaches, apples and sometimes pears in season.
How many people does a share serve?
A medium share should serve a family of two to four. Strict vegetarians, vegans or people who only juice or eat or raw vegetables may need to buy more than one share or a large share.
How much does it cost to join the CSA?
Our CSA has a sliding scale payment format. All the shares (regular and large) are the same size; we do not ask our members for income information, people usually know where they fit, and this has always worked out well for us.ADMIN FEE
IS ADDED TO PAYMENT. A $10 Our scale is as follows:

We strongly encourage members who can to contribute a donation ofany size to help subsidize low income and EBT shares.
Can I pay in installments?
Anyone wishing to pay over time (other than EBT) can do so; we suggest two/three payments. Individuals decide when to make these payments and should let us know their plans via phone/email by the time of the first payment. The first payment is due before deliveries start.
What if I am on vacation and can’t pick up my share?
If members go away on holiday they either have a friend pick-up for them or donate their share for that week/those weeks. If a member knows at sign-up that they will be away for 2 or more weeks and lets us know, we can reduce their initial payment. Members are required to remind us of their vacation, as close as possible to the actual dates, so that we can inform the farmer.
I’d love to join the CSA, but can’t be a member. Can I still purchase vegetables?
We plan to have a “People’s Market, ” again this summer,in conjunction with the CSA for people who do not want to sign up for the 22-week share.Wemay also sell vegetables in pre-bagged allotments . These vegetables are also provided by Claudio Gonzalez, as well as local community gardens.
This sounds great! How do I sign up?
Our application is available, click the link at the top. You can also email projectharmonycs@aol.com for an application and more information or call 212.662.2878.

The Project Harmony CSA & its members endorse
the U.S./Canada CSA Charter as follows:

Charter for CSAs in the U.S. & Canada Each CSA farm community
will be governed by these principles:
1) Farm members will buy directly from the farm or group of farms, with no middleman. Members will forge a strong cooperative connection with farmers and the land and acquire a deep understanding of how food is grown
in their locale.
2) The farm will provide members with high quality, healthy, nutrient-dense, fresh or properly preserved, low fossil-fuel food or fiber -- primarily grown on the farm or, if purchased from other farms, clearly identified as to origin.
3) The farm’s production methods will respect ecosystems and biodiversity, natural seasonal cycles, and cultural legacies; will build healthy soils, restore soil carbon, conserve water, and minimize environmental pollution; will include proper handling methods to ensure that produce is fresh, tasty, and nutritious, and that all health and safety concerns are addressed; and will use locally-adapted seeds and breeds to the extent possible. Farmers will consult and communicate with members about which crops will be grown and how farm operations are progressing.
4) Through signed agreements, good-faith solidarity efforts, and at least partial pre-payments (as little as two weeks’ worth for SNAP beneficiaries), farmers and members will jointly assume the inherent risks of farming and enjoy the fruits of the farm.
5) CSA prices will strike a fair balance so that people can afford memberships, farmers can cover costs of production and make a good living, and farm workers can receive decent wages and benefits and live with dignity.
6) Farmers, farm workers, and members will pursue socio-economic inclusiveness and commit to furthering the international CSA movement and its ideals.