Project Harmony, INC. is a grass-roots, non-profit, volunteer-driven neighborhood organization, is devoted to the well-being and sustainability of our total environment.  

Since 1985 we have been active in community revitalization efforts.  We've cleaned up filthy, vacant lots, making them into gardens and woodlands which are natural habitats for birds, native plants, and other woodland creatures,

while being at once peaceful, productive green oases whose respite the public can enjoy. 

We have worked with numerous agencies throughout the city and beyond

in order to help make our neighborhood cleaner, healthier, safer, and economically more stable. 

We’ve reached out to victims of addiction, mental illness,

homelessness, hunger and other diseases, many symptomatic of societal depression. 

Our “Doers” cottage industry and environmental training program has helped people acquire apartments, establish their own businesses, and further their education.

We believe in stewardship and responsibility,

as those relate in every way to family, community, the world. 

We have hosted numerous self-help & environmental workshops,

as well as block “parties with a purpose,”  inter-generational festivals, community clean-ups,

street beautification efforts, art forums, concerts and more. 

We believe in “thinking globally & acting locally.”

And we are always mindful of the legend that-

“Life Began In A Garden” is a powerful vision of what our lives —in their different ways—can be.